Saturday, 7 November 2009

Howto get Android Screen Shots

Howto get Android Screen Shots. If you don't want to root your phone, or don't know how, there is still a way to get screenshots of your Android device.

Basically you need to do two things: put your phone into USB Debug mode, and get the SDK from Google.

1 - Putting your phone into USB Debug mode:

Got to settings, or from the Home page press 'menu' and the 'settings' shortcut appears.

Then scroll down to Applications

Press 'Development'

And finally 'USB debugging'

And then connect your phone to the USB.

2 - Next get the SDK from Google The current release, as of November 2009 is r3. Download and install in usual manner. I use OSX so I got the OSX one.

Then when your phone is in USB debig mode, navigate to where you installed the SDK, and find the tool 'ddms'.

For me the path is /applications/android-sdk-mac-r3/tools/ddms.

Double click 'ddms' and the next thing is a terminal window opens, and a few seconds later the ddms application. It should launch and find the attached phone.

Select the device, and from Device menu select 'screenshot'.

A window opens that is a faithful replica of what the Android currently shows

Click 'copy' and then you can paste this into another application.

On OSX Preview does the job. Simply go to file>new from clipboard, or press Apple-N

and you're done. When you want to capture a new screenshot, click 'refresh' and the capture will update.

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