Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Apple Mac OSX and wget

A kind sole has compiled wget and made it available as a package for OSX.

I needed it to get some Quicktime movies, which you can read about here.

You can get it from here.

Thank you!

UPDATE: The link above is dead, someone else has compiled and made a package and installer.


  1. If you use MacPorts you can also get it typing 'sudo port install wget'.
    Congrats on your blog!

  2. Hi there - here is the revised link for that website - http://www.merenbach.com/software/wget

    great little app os x installer for wget

  3. yep, or http://www2.42quarks.com/software/wget-for-os-x works pretty good

  4. You can use curl, syntax is different but it basically does the same thing.
