Monday, 6 April 2009

Geo-tag photos with OSX

Previously I've blogged how to geo-tag photos using an Android as the GPS logger with the ActiveGPS Lite application to create GPSX files, and GPSPhotoLinker to read them. You can also consider HoudahGeo to import your GPSX files.

Well, the author of ActiveGPS Lite has removed it from the Market, so we need another logging application.

Step forward Google's own MyTracks. It too records tracks and can export as GPSX files. After you've recorded your track, export it as GPSX to your SD card, and then copy it to your Mac.

Launch HoudaGeo, and then go to Geocode > Load GPS Data from File

but also does some cool things like
  • iPhoto, Aperture & Lightroom integration
  • Writes to iPhoto '09 Places
and very handily doesn't change the file date, so you don't need to use jhead.

Probably well worth the $30.

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