Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Android Wallpapers

The Android screen has a native resolution of 320 x 480, but the scroll left / right thing means that a wallpaper needs to be 640 x 480, with the outside 160 pixels coming into view when you scroll left or right when in portrait mode.

To make things interesting when you're in landscape mode the screen is 480 x 320 and effectively 640 x 320 with the scrolling thing, so if your wallpaper is 480 tall you'll lose 160 pixels, 80 from the top and 80 from the bottom.

This makes creating good Android wallpapers hard.

After some looking around I was about to create my own template when I found one on a forum. Very sorry, I lost the link, but I think this is the original from this author. If I am incorrect, let me know and I'll fix it.

This is a scaled version, click to open the original off picasaweb to get the template at correct size.


  1. you sir are a god. trawled though so many forum posts yet this is the only page with the template and the info.

  2. I have trawled for weeks and weeks to find something like this. You ahve saved me the last 4 days of work trying to mnually find a good ratio.

    Owe you a rum

  3. This is so useful.

    Please correct me if I misunderstood. But basically a 640 * 480 will solve the problem and fit every android desktop ?

  4. Very useful. Thnx.

  5. Thank you so much! I used to create backgrounds for my iPhone and now that I've seen the light and moved to an android, I stopped creating.
    Thank you so much! :-*

  6. I appreciate the help with this. I know you put it up here quite a while ago, but it is still very helpful.

  7. OMG Thanks so so much, this worked like a charm, every single millimetre counts!! :D

  8. Perfect, thanx a bunch!

    Worked great for me.
    Motorola Backflip.
