One moment my Mac can QL my camera raw files (NEF and CRW) and the next it cannot, just producing a grey area on the screen. Did a whole lot of googling to see whats going on. Didn't find anything other than suggestion to re-install the current update (10.6.8). A restart seemed a less time consuming option first, which happily fixed the problem.
While digging, I found that 3rd parties can write their own QL plugins, and there's even a site for them,
Some plugins struck me as immediately useful such as:
Here is it being used to QL the install instructions of itself. Your recursion dollars at work :-)
For more free ones take a look here.
When you've installed the QL plugin, you may need to force a refresh of the QL databse.
In terminal you can run some QL related commands:
refreshes the QL databse
generates a preview. Handy to see if QL has the right plugin.
gives all its options
Usage: qlmanage [OPTIONS] path...
-h Display this help
-r Force reloading Generators list
-r cache Reset thumbnail disk cache
-m [name ...] Display statistics about quicklookd. Stats names:
* plugins Show the generators list
* server Show quicklookd life information
* memory Show quicklookd memory consumption
* burst Show statistics about the last burst
* threads Show concurrent accesses stats
* other Show other information about quicklookd
-d debugLevel Integer between 1-4
-p Compute previews of the documents
-t Compute thumbnails of the documents
-x Use quicklookd (remote computation)
-i Compute thumbnail in icon mode
-s size Size for the thumbnail
-f factor Scale factor for the thumbnail
-z Display generation performance info (don't display thumbnails)
-o dir Output result in dir (don't display thumbnails or previews)
-c contentType Force the content type used for the documents
-g generator Force the generator to use
or you can do
qlmanage -- Quick Look Server debug and management tool
qlmanage -r
qlmanage -m [name ...]
qlmanage -t [-d debugLevel] [-x] [-i] [-s size] [-f factor] [-c contentTypeUTI [-g generator]] [file ...]
qlmanage -p [-d debugLevel] [-x] [-c contentTypeUTI [-g generator]] [file ...]
qlmanage -h
qlmanage allows you to test your Quick Look generators and manage Quick Look Server.
The following usages are available:
1. qlmanage -r resets Quick Look Server and all Quick Look client's generator cache.
2. qlmanage -m gets all sort of information on Quick Look server including the list of detected generators.
3. qlmanage -t displays the Quick Look generated thumbnails (if available) for the specified files.
4. qlmanage -p displays the Quick Look generated previews for the specified files.
5. qlmanage -h displays extensive help.